C#, VB.Net and Visual Studio 2010 Keyboard shortcuts (Keybinding Posters)

Here is a free collection of Visual Studio 2010 Keyboard shortcuts - Keybinding Posters available for C# and VB.Net. The Visual Studio keyboard shorts can help you increase productivity when performing certain tasks within the Visual Studio IDE.

See sample screenshot below for the PDF's

Microsoft Visual Csharp Default Key Bindings

Visual Studio 2010 Keybinding Cards - A high quality, print-ready PDF containing the default keybindings in Visual Studio 2010 for Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++ and Visual F#.
.NET Framework 4.0 Namespaces and Types Poster – A high quality, print-ready PDF containing .NET Framework 4.0 important Namespaces and Types.
.NET Framework 3.5 Common Namespaces and Types Poster - The .NET Framework 3.5 Common Namespaces and Types Poster is downloadable as XPS or PDF format.
.NET Framework 3.0 Namespaces and Types Poster - A high quality, print-ready PDF containing .NET Framework 3.0 important Namespaces and Types
Visual C# 2008 Keybinding Reference Poster - A high quality, print-ready PDF containing the useful keybindings for developers that choose the C# developer profile in Visual Studio 2008 or use Visual C# Express
Visual Basic 2008 Keybinding Reference Poster - A high quality, print-ready PDF containing the useful keybindings for developers that choose the Visual Basic developer profile in Visual Studio 2008 or use Visual Basic Express.
Visual C# 2005 Keyboard Shortcut Reference Poster - This poster contains the default keybindings for Visual C# 2005, and is available as a PDF download in either color or grayscale for you to print.
Visual Basic 2005 Keyboard Shortcut Reference Poster - This poster contains the default key bindings for Visual Basic 2005, and is available as a PDF download in either color or grayscale for you to print